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In Reception, children show good concentration in well planned, absorbing and imaginative activities - Latest Ofsted ReportLeaders have established a positive culture for learning mathematics - Latest Ofsted ReportThe use of pupil premium funding is well targeted to support disadvantaged pupils’ learning - Latest Ofsted ReportDisplay walls are providing effective support for learning - Latest Ofsted ReportThe school, through its distinctive Christian character, is outstanding - Latest SIAMS ReportA culture of collective worship and prayer enables this large school to resemble a united caring family - Latest SIAMS Report

The school are delighted to have been judged as being 'Good with an Outstanding EYFS'  by Ofsted. The full report can be found on our website!


Our school is a caring Christian community where each child is valued and nurtured as an individual. Academically, our fantastic teaching team brings learning to life, creating exciting experiences for children to think, explore, discover and share. Our aim is to foster a love of learning that enables all our pupils to achieve to their full potential underpinned by our Christian ethos. Socially and spiritually, we are very proud of the way our children grow in confidence and independence in the safety and comfort of the school environment. We do this by taking account of pupils’ varied life experiences and needs. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum and have high expectations for all children. Their achievements, attitudes and well-being matter and we offer them the opportunity to discover their gifts and talents given to them by God and experience ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10). We value compassion, honesty, integrity and awe and are driven to see this in all we do as a school community.

We believe in a strong partnership between school and home, and work closely with families and the local community in all we do. 

This website aims to provide you with useful information and give you a flavour of life at St. John’s. I hope you find it helpful – please do get in touch with either myself or Mrs Robinson in the office if you have any questions.

Mr A Hope

By the end of July 2024, our attendance data was above the national average, but let's keep working at getting our attendance higher and higher in 2024/2025. The more your child is in school, the greater their opportunities are to learn.

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*C2 & C3 Only* Number day - Dress up for Digits!06Feb2025

£1 donation for NSPCC

Askham Bryan Wildlife Park C2 & C307Feb2025

Number Day - Dress Up for Digits!07Feb2025

£1 donation for NSPCC

Walk to school day!07Feb2025

EYFS Open Afternoon13Feb2025

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

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